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Ecma Fellow awards presented to Brendan Eich and Allen Wirfs-Brock for their contributions to the ECMAScript standard


Geneva, 11 January 2019

Ecma presented the first Ecma Fellow awards at its December 2018 General Assembly in Boston. The Ecma Fellow award recognizes selected Ecma individuals who have served Ecma for a long time in an exceptionally outstanding fashion.

The Ecma Fellow award honoured Brendan Eich for his leadership in the creation of the ECMAScript (JavaScript) standard and for his outstanding contributions to the development of the ECMAScript standard.

The Ecma Fellow award honoured Allen Wirfs-Brock for major contributions and his active participation to the development of the ECMAScript standard.

Ecma International warmly congratulates both award recipients and thanks them for their excellent contributions and long support to Ecma.

For more information: please contact Dr. Istvan Sebestyen, Secretary General of Ecma International. Email: